I head up the DNA Damage Response (DDR) biology area within AstraZeneca’s IMED Biotech Unit and am the science lead for the company’s broader DDR franchise.

I have devoted 20 years of my career to understanding the DNA damage response, with the aim of determining how this can be exploited to develop potential new treatments for cancer patients. 支持澳门葡京网赌游戏DDR的发展, my current role involves informing the strategy to identify and develop inhibitors of DDR in oncology.

1983年进入布里斯托尔大学学习微生物学, I gained a PhD in Molecular Genetics before moving to Singapore as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, where I worked on the transcriptional regulation of human papillomavirus oncogenes and their association with cervical cancer.

In 1999, I returned to the UK to take up a position as one of the three science team leaders at KuDOS, a spin-out biotech company based on the work of Professor Steve Jackson at 剑桥 University. Here, I researched the cellular network of pathways that minimise the daily impact of DNA damage in normal tissue but represent an Achille’s heel in cancers, where DDR dependencies can be targeted to generate new therapeutic treatments for cancer. It was at KuDOS in 2004 that I first started working on olaparib, a PARP inhibitor.

KuDOS was acquired by AstraZeneca at the end of 2005 and in 2010 I moved to AstraZeneca to head up the DDR biology area, 澳门葡京赌博游戏肿瘤产品组合中的四个关键平台之一.

同时也是多项专利的发明人, 我有很好的出版记录, 其中许多是通过密切的外部合作实现的, 包括《澳门葡京赌博游戏》上的同行评议出版物, 癌症细胞, 癌症的发现, 分子细胞, 自然细胞生物学, Journal of Clinical 肿瘤学 and the New England Journal of Medicine.



2011 Cozzarelli奖








撰写了分子细胞 Review论文, 靶向癌症中的DNA损伤反应, highlighting different concepts behind targeting DDR and how this can provide significant opportunities for DDR-based therapies in the future


肿瘤学 IMED Innovation and Achievement Award ‘Winner of the Winners’ 2015


戈登哺乳动物DNA修复研究会议在文图拉举行, 2015年蒙特利尔AACR DNA修复特别会议, 2016



靶向癌症中的复制应激反应. Forment J & 奥康纳米. 药理学 & Therapeutics 2018: 188; 155-167  

Laying a trap to kill cancer cells: PARP inhibitors and their mechanisms of action

Laying a trap to kill cancer cells: PARP inhibitors and their mechanisms of action 奥康纳乔丹. 科学转化医学26 Oct 2016卷. 第8期,第362页. 362ps17


靶向癌症中的DNA损伤反应. 奥康纳乔丹. 生物质化学工程,2015,36 (4):547- 556


Inhibition of Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase in Tumors from BRCA Mutation Carriers. 方PC1, 老板DS, Yap助教, Tutt A, Wu P, Mergui-Roelvink米, 莫蒂默P, Swaisland H, Lau A, 奥康纳乔丹, Ashworth一, 卡迈克尔J, 凯耶…, Schellens JH, 德博诺JS. 中华医学杂志,2009,31 (2):123-34.


53BP1的缺失导致PARP抑制剂耐药 in BRCA1-mutated mouse mammary tumors. 雅斯贝尔斯JE1, Kersbergen一, 恩你, Sol W, 范·迪姆特·L, 詹德SA, Drost R, Wientjens E, Ji J, Aly A, 朵罗修JH, 克兰斯顿一, 马丁纳米, Lau A, 奥康纳乔丹, Ganesan年代, Borst P, jonker J, 次年代. 癌症发现,2013,3(1):68-81.


轻度高温抑制同源重组, 诱导BRCA2降解, and sensitizes cancer cells to poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 inhibition. 点杰哈卡胡奇, Eppink B, 埃塞尔J, 阻止我, Rodermond H, Odijk H, Zelensky一, 范布里C, Stalpers LJ, Buist博士先生, Soullie T, 任正非J, Verhagen HJ, 奥康纳乔丹, 弗兰肯NA, Ten Hagen TL, Kanaar R, 阿托恩是的. 美国国家科学基金委. 2011: 108(24):9851-6.


High sensitivity of BRCA1-deficient mammary tumors to the PARP inhibitor AZD2281 alone and in combination with platinum drugs. 次S1, 雅斯贝尔斯我, Kersbergen一, 范德堡E, 尼葛伦AO, 詹德SA, Derksen PW, 德布鲁因, Zevenhoven J, Lau A, 鲍特R, 克兰斯顿一, 奥康纳乔丹, 马丁纳米, Borst P, jonker J.美国国家科学基金委. 2008: 105(44):17079-84.

hnRNP K:一个HDM2目标

hnRNP K:一个HDM2目标 and transcriptional coactivator of p53 in response to DNA damage. 穆曼A1,马斯特森P, 奥康纳乔丹, Jackson SP. Cell 2005, 16 (6):1065-78.


Suppression of HIV infection by a small molecule inhibitor of ATM kinase. Lau A1, Swinbank KM, Ahmed PS, Taylor DL, Jackson SP, Smith GC, 奥康纳乔丹. 细胞生物学. 2005 7(5):493-500



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